Cordant People & Caring Hands in the Vale

Cordant People & Caring Hands in the Vale.

Our wonderful team in Evesham have been working closely with the charity Caring Hands in the Vale in recent years, so we decided to talk with Community Worker Diane Bennett about the charities relationship with our Evesham team – as well as why its important for businesses to get involved with local charities wherever possible.

Who are Caring Hands & what do you do?

Caring Hands in the Vale is a Registered Charity and an outreach from the Vale

of Evesham Christian Centre.  We operate five banks of resources and drop-in meals, as well as volunteering opportunities.

Tell us about how you were first introduced to Linda & the Evesham Cordant team?

I think it was around 4-5 years ago. (possibly longer – I am really not very good at remembering how long ago things happened!).  Linda contacted me regarding supporting the food bank and also donations for the Christmas Hampers we provide.

What are some of the projects/fundraisers the Evesham team have helped you with?

It has mainly been supporting Caring Hands with donations for the food bank and Christmas Hampers. Although they have also provided us with some coats and clothing for our clothing bank.

Tell us about your relationship with Linda & the Evesham Cordant team?

The team at Evesham are always helpful, friendly and will go out of their way to help in whatever way they can.

Just how important is it for local businesses to get involved and help out with local charities?

It is vital for us, as we are a charity which relies on donations, both ‘in kind’ (food items, toiletries etc.,) as well as financial gifts.  Caring Hands would not be able to do what it does without the huge amount of support it receives from the community in the Vale of Evesham.

Do you enjoy working with Linda & the Evesham team?

Absolutely – I am always blown away by their generosity and support.

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