Blue Monday 2023

Blue Monday 2023.

Today is Blue Monday

Blue Monday is the brainchild of Dr Cliff Arnall, a psychologist who, in 2004, created a formula which determined the day we felt the most down in the dumps.

The formula for Blue Monday considered seven variables: (W) weather, (D) debt, (d) salary, (T) time since Christmas, (Q) time since failed resolution attempts, (M) low motivational levels and (NA) the desire to take action.

This is what the formula looks like: [W + (D-d)] x TQ. M x NA

The calculation lands on the third Monday in January as being the most depressing day of the year, which isn’t surprising; Christmas festivities are a distant memory, our routines are taking time to restore, the cold weather and dark mornings offer zero motivation and our dreaded credit card bills are pending. Add to this the looming, and so-called “longest recession since records began”; and Blue Monday could be Blue every day.

We can’t flip a switch to put things right, but at The Recruitment Co., we can support you in becoming a little more secure by supporting your employment goals. So, if you’re feeling low about your job, you’ve come to the right place. Here are some tips on how you can inject some positivity into your life by reinvigorating your work life.

Our top career tips to brighten your day

Explore flexibility

One big contributing factor to feeling blue is tiredness. In a survey of 1,200 adults, 21% work between 50 and 59 hours a week, 18% work more than 60 hours, and 11% work between 41 and 49 hours. That means that 50% of the adults surveyed work more than 40 hours a week… I bet you’re tired just reading that!!!

If you’re feeling overworked maybe it’s time to look at more flexible opportunities. Since the COVID pandemic, employers have woken up to flex working; be that remote work, hybrid (working between an office location and home), flex hours, job shares etc. 

As expert recruiters, we’ve seen first-hand that employers are open to conversations and negotiations on how you work. At The Recruitment Co., we can support you in exploring new ways of working which fit around your personal circumstances and commitments.

Try a change in career

It’s never too late to make a career change. Lots of roles come with training as part of the package and you never know; a role you may not have considered could be the right fit for you. 

Think about what you want from a job. Do you want to be part of a large team? Or do you work better independently? Do you enjoy being customer-facing or do you thrive in a more behind-the-scenes role? 

No matter where you are in your career journey, we can help find a role that suits you! Reach out to us if you are looking to explore something new, we have temporary and permanent roles across a variety of sectors and industries. Many require no previous experience! 

Position yourself

Your dream job might not be advertised right now, but employers might still be looking for someone like you. When talented candidates register with The Recruitment Co. we can position them with our clients as ‘not to be missed’; this puts them ahead of the applicant competition.

Depending on the type of role you’re looking for, LinkedIn is a great place so set yourself as ‘open to work’. On there you can let recruiters like us know you’re open to new job opportunities. You can even specify the types of jobs that you’re interested in so your profile shows up in search results.

Register with us today and let us do all the hard work for you.

Socialise to grow your network

Socialising is an instant happiness booster. And in the world of work… oftentimes, it’s as about who you know as well as what you know. A lot of power is derived from a good network and word of mouth. 

Networks don’t only range from colleagues past and present, or people in the same industry, but also friends and family as after all; they’re the biggest champions of you! Reach out to your network and ask them to keep an ear to the ground, share a personal recommendation on your behalf, or keep you in the loop or people hiring in your area. 

Networking happens in the most unexpected of places such as at the footie, out for a meal or even through a totally random encounter… so always be ready to sell yourself.

At The Recruitment Co., we run a ‘Refer a Friend’ scheme so if you’re reading this and already work in a role with us… think of your network.

Find positive focus

If you’re unsure of what career direction you want to travel in, maybe play around with learning some new skills until you find one that ticks the box. Then explore what job opportunities align with your newfound talent! It’s surprising just how transferable many skills are. 

The even bigger bonus is that learning new skills can improve your mental well-being by boosting self-confidence; helping you find a sense of purpose; igniting a new-found passion; and giving you focus, in turn clearing your mind of the blues.

Make sure to add all your newfound skills to your CV. Visit our advice pages or contact our team who will be happy to help you build out a winning CV.

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