How does coffee affect your productivity?.
So, today’s International Coffee Day, and who doesn’t love that little caffeinated pick me up when you’re in need of an energy boost? But have you ever stopped to consider what that little hotshot is actually doing to your body and how it’s affecting you?
Well, lucky for you – we thought there was no better day to dive into the science behind the world’s most popular hot drink and to explore its effect on you.
Let’s take a look.
Can’t seem to get your brain to function before you’ve had your morning cup of joe? Then you’ve got a full-blown addiction, my friend. There’s no doubt that the caffeine in coffee has its benefits in terms of performance, but did you know that very same pick me up can encourage weight gain?
Caffeine can affect your sleep too.
In small doses, caffeine shouldn’t really affect your sleeping pattern (moderation is key guys). But by drinking too much you run the risk of finding it harder to fall asleep at night. This, in turn, can create an unhealthy cycle of lack of sleep, stressing out, performing poorly in the office, and ultimately could even lead to a burnout in the form of an anxiety attack. Slightly less severe but worth noting side effects can also include:
- The coffee shakes.
- An upset stomach.
- Heart palpitations.
Remember how we said moderation is key?
In low doses, caffeine is said to improve your mental performance and overall alertness. Medical writer Stephen Braun reports that caffeine blocks the receptors for adenosine. Adenosine is a compound in your brain that causes drowsiness – explaining why so many of us feel so awake and ready for the day after consuming.
In moderation then, coffee can increase your cognitive functions, memory and alertness. However, these effects can be short-lived, and as we all know – you might crash later on in the day.
With this being said, it’s important to always remember though that coffee affects everyone differently. Due to factors such as your weight, age and a tolerance to the stuff.
Coffee can also be attributed to helping you learn faster and increase your willpower. Not only that but coffee has been linked to a reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes, liver diseases and Alzheimer’s. This is due to its high number of powerful antioxidants. In fact, studies have revealed coffee provides more antioxidants in a diet than any food group.
Final thoughts?
Coffee can obviously be both beneficial and detrimental. It’s probably best to consume in moderation and monitor your stress levels and sleeping habits if you think you might be going a little overboard. Set boundaries and limitations for yourself so you can stay healthy. We recommend taking it one cup at a time.
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