Menopause Awareness: Creating a Supportive Workplace Environment

Menopause Awareness: Creating a Supportive Workplace Environment.

At The Recruitment Co. we are committed to supporting colleagues through the Menopause which is a natural part of life and is not always an easy transition. We want to create an environment where all our colleagues feel informed about the menopause and are comfortable and confident talking about its impact. On top of that, we want those affected by the menopause to feel understood, appreciated and valued.

Menopause is a significant life transition that affects millions of women worldwide.  Yet menopause is still a topic that is frequently stigmatised and discussed in private. Let’s look at the value of menopausal awareness and how we can help women going through this transition as employers.

Understanding Menopause.

Women usually experience menopause between the ages of 45 and 55. With 51 being the average age for menopause transition. So, whether menopause may not be directly impacting you, it is likely impacting a friend, colleague or family member. What are some of the symptoms?

  • Hot flushes, sometimes causing dizziness
  • Difficulty sleeping, which may make colleagues feel tired and irritable during the day
  • Headaches and migraines
  • Muscle aches and joint pains
Here are some of the initiatives we’ve taken to support colleagues experiencing menopause.

We launched our Menopause Fundamentals, a plan aimed at supporting and empowering our employees during this natural phase of life. Menopausal symptoms affect more than 75% of women, and The Recruitment Co. want to ensure that everyone feels supported through their own journey.

  • Understanding our Colleagues
    To kickstart our menopause awareness initiatives we collated anonymous data from our female colleagues and used it to influence our focus areas for education and awareness. This data ensured we were prioritising what our colleagues needed and allowed us to best utilise resources. To lay the foundations, we then created a new menopause policy which outlined what we can expect from one another.
  • Menopause Support Group
    We launched a “Menopause Support Group”.  The Menopause Support Group consists of colleagues who have experiences to share and an empathetic ear, forming a dedicated network which provides a confidential safe space for colleagues to talk about all things menopause.
  • Meno Minds Chats
    As an extension to our Menopause Support Group, we hold monthly “Meno Minds” chats, where anyone from across the business can join. Our aim is to create a safe environment for colleagues to be able to talk openly. Menopause is not just an issue for women, everyone needs to know so they can support colleagues, friends and family. With the goal to change mindsets and attitudes towards menopause, making it as easy to talk about as the weather.
  • A Manager’s Guide to Menopause
    As part of our Menopause Fundamentals plan, we developed a “Manager’s Guide to Menopause”. It has been designed to provide guidance when supporting colleagues that are experiencing challenges faced with menopause. The manager’s guide is hosted on our company Wellbeing Portal, allowing everyone visibility and access. The guide is to help managers to understand menopause, to be able to confidently have conversations and know how to best help and support colleagues.
  • Educational Support
    We recently hosted a webinar delivered by a menopause expert. The webinar covered menopause symptoms and impact, myth busting, valuable insights and practical advice on how to manage this natural change. We encouraged all colleagues to attend to help expand their knowledge on the topic. On top of this, we host multiple educational resources on our wellbeing portal and via internal email communications.

So, how can employers start their menopause awareness journey?

Practical Ways to Offer Support:

There are several practical ways employers can offer support to women experiencing menopause in the workplace:

  1. Offering flexible work arrangements, such as flexible hours or remote work options, can help women manage their symptoms and balance their responsibilities more effectively.
  2. Providing opportunities for women to take short breaks during the workday can help alleviate symptoms such as hot flashes and fatigue.
  3. Creating a comfortable work environment with adjustable heating and cooling systems can help women manage symptoms like hot flushes.
  4. Implementing wellness programmes that promote healthy lifestyle habits, such as regular exercise, balanced nutrition, and stress management techniques, can support women’s overall well-being during menopause.
  5. Offering a listening ear, validation, and emotional support can make a significant difference for women experiencing menopause symptoms. Colleagues can also offer to help with workload or provide encouragement during challenging times.

Menopause is a natural part of a woman’s life that deserves recognition, understanding, and support in the workplace. By fostering awareness, empathy, and practical support, employers can help women navigate this journey with dignity, resilience, and confidence. Together, let’s create workplaces where women feel valued, supported, and empowered during this significant life transition.

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