Tips for using job boards

Tips for using job boards.

Today, job boards are regarded as one of the most effective job hunting tools.

However, the competition for employment on job boards is cut-throat. There are thousands of applicants applying for jobs as well as thousands of companies who have the task of filtering through copious applications.

So, just how do you turn a job board to your advantage?

Well firstly, market your CV appropriately; for example, use keywords – firms will use keywords when describing a job role, and in an ‘industry search’ you want your CV to emerge when a company executes that all-important search.

Also, remember to update your CV regularly as firms will search for recent applications.

Selecting the correct job boards 

Apart from signing up to the well-known established job boards, bear in mind looking at smaller job boards that specifically focus on one particular industry or, for instance, specialise in graduate/student placements.

Steer well clear of typing in basic phrases such as ‘clerical assistant’ – it is important to input major words to portray your credentials to maximum effect because this will open up more prospects for you.

Furthermore, before you select completing an application form take a brief look at the background of the company before you write it off.

Submitting applications through job boards

Be careful in your selection, don’t waste time in over applying for hundreds of jobs, avoid sending hasty applications, it’s a complete waste of your time and as well as the employers.

It is essential to be precise with your details so you can receive accurate job alerts, and always read the small print on an application form. Bear in mind that companies using job boards receive thousands of poorly worded and sloppy completed application forms – do not be in that bracket. By filling in an application form completely and correctly you will simply maximise your chance of securing an interview.

Make the most of using the job board as a research tool

Use it to determine which companies are presently recruiting and what specific industries have increased their candidate in-take, also what part of the country are there currently expanding job opportunities.

By collecting all this information you can effectively create your own strategic approach to your “job hunting”.

Disadvantages of job boards

Be prepared for disappointment, there are many jobs advertised on job boards which do not exist or are simply out-dated, therefore do not rely on job boards completely in your job search.

Furthermore, there could well be hundreds of applicants for one job; keep in mind that job boards are no magic panacea when it comes to finding a job but they are, of course, a functional and vital tool in your job hunt.

Good luck, we know you’ve got this!

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